Saturday, July 18, 2009

London one week, New York the next

After my daughter and I returned from London, I had a few days in the office, and then I was off to New York for a week. I haven't been traveling all that much this year, so I feel the differences in time zones. As I have mentioned previously, I really like New York. Like London, many nations are represented; it was amazing to see the mix of peoples, languages and cultures.

Our office is near Madison Square Park, and I walk through the park every day. It's a beautiful park - that's what I like about Manhattan; in the midst of all of the concrete and steel sit a number of restful oases.

Some pictures from the park:

Why a squirrel? Danny is his blog "A Blog About..." documents the antics of the squirrels living in his yard. I found this New York squirrel very entertaining, so this one's for you Danny!


Danny said...

Have fun on your trip. Nice pictures. Thanks for the one of the squirrel.

Baron's Life said...

Didn't know they had live squirrels in NY... I thought they ate them live as soon as they showed
you know how New Yorkers are....they eat you aslive and then some including their squirrels and all....
great pics lance...! enjoy NY and fly home safe...what the heck do you do?...are you a Pilot...?
Dan loked the squirrel....any pussycats in the park?

Lance said...

Danny - thanks. I'm sorry didn't find any sleeping squirrels!

Thanks Baron - that's the Big Apple for you!

montieandme said...

Love the flower pic, eating squirrels!! awwww :( .....

Lance said...

Thanks Linda - they are cute aren't they, but I will have to tell you my squirrel story sometime - cost me $1000 in auto repairs for 2 cars!!!

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