Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White St. Patrick's Day...

Not really...we got more snow on Thursday, and more is planned for this weekend. Oh bother...

I hope your weather is nice, whether you ride or not!


Lance said...

9:30am - it was supposed to snow tonight, but it's snowing NOW! Oh, bother bother!!!

Baron's Life said...

I didn't realize you had snow in North Bend this week... It's kinda windy and cold here but snow hasn't hit us yet.
That's a beautiful shot of the tree in the backyard. Very well done.
Stay warm and dream of spring...round the corner now.

Lance said...

Thanks Baron - the road up to our place is littered with cars that couldn't make it up, or are trying with little success, or are waiting for the snow crews to come. Fortunately, my Element usually makes it up pretty easily. It's been snowing for 2 hours straight.

BTW, is that a bike of yours on your profile pic???? Looks very nice!!!!

Baron's Life said... son is playing a US Soccer academy game today against Portland FC, down in Marysmoore park. The Mrs. drove him as I am preparing for a trip to Las Vegas tomorrow. We have The Matco Tools show on for the next 4days and I have to do the colth washing, shining the boots. etc.... I hope it's not snowning past Redmond.... Our Friends in Seattle didn't report any snow yesterday.
Yeah this is an old 1968 BSA...still running well. (650cc)

Baron's Life said...

Hey Lance, forgot to tell you, you should add one of these follow this blog gizmos...yours is good and should be followed bud.

Lance said...

Thanks Baron - I think the snow is pretty much limited to the foothills area, so Redmond probably is OK. I hope your son has a great game, and that your wife is having a nice time enjoying the game! Enjoy Las Vegas!

I'll give the gizmo a try.

Oh, and very nice bike!!!

Unknown said...


WOW, snow, when will it ever stop. It just started hailing outside, the ground is nearly white. The Pi Rally in Bellingham is next weekend BUT if the weather is NOT good then I would presume that it will be re-scheduled. It wouldn't be a pleasant ride if the weather isn't pleasant.

bobskoot: wet coast scootin

Lance said...

Thanks Bobskoot - I can't wait until sunny weather. My Elite is still in the shop (they're locating a auto choke unit that's gone bad), so I may not be able to make it to Pi. If I get it back in time, I'll be there!

Stephen said...

You know the guy who has the license plate frame or bumper sticker that says "Think Snow"...........I wanna talk to that guy! Somebody better tell him to quit thinking.

22 degrees outside and a new layer of the white stuff as I type this.

Think Spring


irondad said...

Pray for green snow! Not sure if it's safer to eat than yellow snow, but it will sure go with the holiday!

Heinz N Frenchie said...

Maybe you need a snowmobile instead of a two wheeler. My that sounds awful. Wow you are really getting more than your share. Sending warm thoughts your way.

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