1) Premeditated Scootin' - a great new scooter blog. http://cpa3485.blogspot.com/
2) Bobskoot: Wet Coast Scootin' - Bob covers BC and Washington State on his motoring adventures, and is an amazing photographer and writer. He's got some cool camera gear, and an even cooler sense of what makes a great picture and blogpost. He was one of the first to befriend me in blogspace. http://wetcoastscootin.blogspot.com/
5) Heinz n' Frenchie in SoFla - Ahhh...South Florida by Vespa...it doesn't get any better than this, unless it's South Florida by two Vespas, with lots of great pictures and history of the area. http://heinznfrenchie.blogspot.com/
6) Scootin' da Valley - Joe introduced me to the free wifi and great coffee at Panera's. A great storyteller with an even greater beard! http://scootindavalley.blogspot.com/
7) Cruising Ohio - Doug has had some amazing trips in his part of the country. I've enjoyed great scenery and was tempted with great food (like fried bologna sandwiches) via his blog. http://www.cruisingohio.com/
8) Scootin' Old Skool - Orin is well known in scooter land for his great insights into scooters and scooter life. He was also nice enough to write about my Honda Elite on his blog. http://scootinoldskool.wordpress.com/
Well, there's eight of many great blogs out there. For the award winners above, you get to share your award via your nominations - if you can find eight, great, even if it's less that's great too. Just spread the recognition and encouragement around!