I got in Saturday night, so I am playing tourist this morning. First off, a cup of coffee
- not some venti-orange-frappa-macchiato-shot of caramel-no room-165 degree concoction here - just a good cup' a joe.
Then it was off to wander the city. The architecture here is so varied and pretty beautiful in my opinion.
This building, on 40th and Lexington, had an amazing frieze just above the doorways of the various establishments. Work is being done to restore this building:
When lunchtime came around, I went to one of my favorite Filipino restaurants - I'm half Filipino, and I am always looking for something close to my Mom's cooking - this restaurant does a pretty good job:
One of the really cool things about New York is its diversity - so many nations and ethnic groups call New York home, and if you live here, you can have a parade to celebrate it - this one is a Mexican celebration:
While New York is such a busy, hard-working place, they take the time to celebrate, which I think is really great. This parade went right in front of my hotel, offering me an excellent view.
As I said, New York is a pretty diverse place!